As a dedicated NFL fan, I couldn't help but notice Michael Vick's signing with the Philadelphia Eagles. The seven text messages and three voicemails didn't hurt, either.
I'm a loyal Eagles fan, so this move hit home in an extra special way.
Personally, I was excited over the move. With Vick's extreme athleticism, I'm thinking his presence will definitely be noticed by opposing defenses no matter where he's lining up.
I've openly been a supporter of Vick during his journey back to football. I never supported what he was convicted of, but I believed the man deserved a second opportunity. Vick's road is not over, though.
The majority of NFL fans have not and will not forgive Vick for his wrong doing. Slurs and negativity will be thrown at him faster than his own football throws. And he will never rid himself of the burden he has earned. Mike Vick will always be tied with dogfighting.
A problem many fans of the league are complaining of is that with Vick's reinstatement, some parents are worried that the NFL is setting a bad example by rewarding an awful act with another chance in front of the young fans. My answer: don't let your kids look up to Vick, or athletes in general.
And to PETA: get off of your white horse and slap yourself in the face. Your bloodsucking and ruthless ways are walking the fine line of slander.